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15 easy ways to get smarter

We all want to be smart, to shine with ingenuity, wit and intellect, but it turns out only among the elect like Nikolai Baskov and Gennady Onishchenko. Read this article - and the world in your head will sparkle with new convolutions.

1.Read more

The more complicated and unusual the books will be, the better. Sophisticated constructions, long, detailed sentences, rare words, abstruse articles from our magazine and especially poems - this is the real “Rastishka” for your brain.

2.Stop watching TV

The contemplation of flickering pictures, supposedly designed to give rest to the brain, which was overworked during the day, loads it in the same way as reading or proving theorems. But at the same time it does not develop at all. Conclusion? Throw the TV out the window and put in its place a pot of sage.

3.Train your memory

London taxi drivers, for example, have an enlarged hippocampus - the part of the brain that is responsible for emotions and memory. Why are you worse?

■ Having compiled a list of products that you need to buy, re-read it several times and try to remember not their names, but your future path through different departments in the store. Having collected everything in the cart and standing in line, try to calculate the total amount in your mind. If it later turns out to be true, you can buy a bush of spinach as a reward: it is good for memory.

■ Allow half an hour a day to memorize verses. The last time you did this in kindergarten, but all the words flew out of your head at the moment when the official part of the holiday ended and the coffin was lowered into the ground. The content of the poems does not play any role.

4.Have coffee

Caffeine stimulates the release of neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine - they help stay in tone longer and maintain concentration. It is important not to overdo it: from a very large dose of caffeine you will be overexcited and you will not be able to think rationally. Caffeine in doses of more than 300 mg (four cups of natural coffee) per day will present a state of anxiety, headache, tremor, arrhythmia.

5.Play chess, checkers and poker

These games can not only make you richer, but also perfectly develop your thinking. If you think that you play chess too well, try to play for a while, too, so that it takes no more than a minute to make a decision.

6.Develop your numerical sens

Yes, you already have one. Dig a handful of little things from your pocket, take a quick look at it and try to count the total amount from memory. Veronik Izgard, a cognitive psychologist from Harvard, found out that the ancient brain structures are responsible, something about a quasillion years old (is there such a number? We have problems with this), but they can develop throughout life. To check how advanced your HH is at the moment, take a short test or a large-scale test , the results of which will even be saved in the annals of an American university and will help science move forward. Well, then - develop HH. The easiest way is to pack things in a bag. When you figure out how to shove them better, your brain solves the most difficult problems and trains.

7.Feed your brain correctly

Especially if you still can’t fully tell a single poem from the school curriculum, and Facebook reminds you of your friends ’birthdays.

Walnuts . Almost the main food for scholar! They even look like a brain. Five nuts a day - and you will be provided with lecithin, which improves brain function and activates memory. Still nuts are useful if you suddenly live in conditions of increased radiation.

Fish . Laconic and cold, it is rich in iodine, its meat contains omega-3 fatty acids, which provide a quick influx of energy needed to transmit impulses to brain cells. They also regulate the level of cholesterol in the blood and improve the functioning of blood vessels. If you eat at least 100 grams of fish per day, your reaction speed will increase and you will reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Pumpkin seeds . Pour half a glass into your jacket pocket and during office scandals improve your memory and make your brain think faster. All thanks to zinc.

Spinach . Add it to your morning omelet two to three times a week. Lutein contained in spinach will protect brain cells from premature aging.

Sage . At Johns Hopkins University, sage was found to suppress the action of the amino acids responsible for impaired memory. Now there they drink tea with sage every day and everyone remembers everything.

8.Try to guess what your interlocator is going to say

Rebecca Seiks from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is confident that with proper training, people will be able to understand others without words at all - by facial expression, look and other similar signs. The section of the brain that is behind the right ear and is responsible for intuition is responsible for this.

9.Star a blog

Talking about the events of the day in it, you will not only learn to clearly articulate thoughts, but you will also constantly think about new topics and sharp answers to questions from devoted readers.

10.Solve crosswords

Surprisingly, it works: serious crosswords are a great boost to the brain.

11.Learn a new language

Andrea Machelli, a doctor of neurology at the University of London, argues that it is easier for people who speak several foreign languages ​​to switch between different mental tasks. An additional impetus in the development of your brain will give a new way to study incomprehensible foreign words.

12.Install a smart application

Feeling an unpleasant throbbing in a too fast growing brain, we buried ourselves on the screens of mobile phones in the hope of finding salvation in some kind of stupid game. But what is it? And on mobile devices do not step a step from the dominance of development programs!

  1. Memory trainer . Consistently remember pressing multi-colored buttons and repeat them. In fact, this is the same “N backward” task disguised as a game.
  2. Einstein . Training for the mind. An HD collection of 30 exercises for developing logic, memory, counting and attention. 
  3. The brain of a genius . A variation on the theme of a well-known logical problem created, according to legend, by Einstein from unwillingness to go to kindergarten.

13.Don't waste time

If you have a free minute at work and you want to see a couple of meters of funny pictures, better open Wikipedia and read the “random” article.

14.Get yourself an unusual hobby

New activities, according to the Salk Institute for Biological Research in the suburbs of San Diego, firstly, perfectly help to escape from the routine, and secondly, force your brain to adapt to unfamiliar activities and, as a result, train.

15.Get enough sleep

It is in a dream that the brain processes the information gathered during the day and forms memories. As the University of California at Berkeley calculated, usually an adult suffers from 6 to 8 hours of sleep.

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