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How caffeine affects your body ? List of benefits and damages caused

Caffeine is a permeable or stimulative vehicle, naturally available in coffee and tea, and is the most common drug in the world. Adults are affected daily, and the body absorb it in 30 to 45 minutes after taking it. It affects the body's activity for 2-3 hours before being rejected because it doesn't stay and accumulate in your body.

Benefits of caffeine:

Caffeine provides many health benefits for the human body like:

Weight loss Help: Caffeine reduces appetite and food desire temporarily, stimulates body heat production from food digestion energy, so some weight loss products contain caffeine, but studies have not confirmed this effect.

Wake-up motivation: It was found that consuming 75 milligrams of caffeine can increase vigilance, and consuming 160-600 milligrams increases brain vigilance, memory, and inference, but its just a drink, not a substitute for sleep.

Enhancing sportive Performance: European Food Safety Agency has indicated that caffeine can enhance athletic performance in endurance exercises, and reduce stress.

Strengthening brain functions: For caffeine's ability to influence adenosine receptors in the brain, some studies have suggested that drinking coffee can stimulate thinking skills, slow down mental retardation resulting from aging, but still needs further studies and evidence to prove it.

Reduction of risk of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's: Studies have indicated that people who consume coffee throughout their lives are less likely to have Alzheimer's disease, and other studies have suggested that high coffee consumption reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease.

Memory boost: Studies at Johns Hopkins University have suggested that a dose of caffeine after attending an educational session could boost long-term memory.

Useful for colon and liver: The use of caffeine anal injections is believed to increase levels of one type of antioxidant called glutathione, which contributes to the physical removal of toxins in the liver, so these injections may be suitable for preparing colon before undergoing colon or endoscopy. This is because it stimulates the excretion of the Safaravid juicer through the walls of colon, but there are not enough studies to prove this, and in addition, it was found that drinking coffee can help slow the aggravation of the case of people with hepatitis (in English: Hepatitis C), reduced risk of cirrhosis, and a study suggested that coffee can have preventive effects in people with liver cancer.

Reducing the risk of gypse convulsion: Some evidence suggests that caffeine can reduce the risk of eye disorders called blepharosspasm, which results from a disturbance in brain functions, causing repeated blink of the eye, and functional blindness may also be caused.

Reducing the risk of skin cancer: A study conducted on mice indicated that caffeine on the skin can help prevent the damage caused by ultraviolet radiation that causes skin cancer. Other studies indicated that eating three cups of coffee containing caffeine daily reduces the danger of women suffering of basic cell cancer by 21% and reduces the risk of men contracting the disease by 10%, compared to people who have less than one cup of coffee per month.

Reducing the risk of diabetes: A study indicated that people who had drinking more than one cup of coffee per day over four years were 1% less likely to have type 2 diabetes than those who did not change their coffee consumption. However, further studies are still needed to confirm this impact.

Caffeine damage

Despite the many benefits of caffeine, consuming large amounts of it may cause symptoms and side effects like arrhythmias and seizures, and may cause irregular hormones. Some people may also experience symptoms when drinking even if they drink moderate amounts, because they are not used to consuming it, and symptoms caused by excessive caffeine drinking are: pump- Diarrhea- Increase thirst feeling- Lightning- Headache- Irritation.

Allowed caffeine quantities

Doctors recommend to not exceed 3 cups of coffee per day but it should be noted, however, that caffeine is not safe for children and adolescents, pregnant and lopic women, or people who have certain types of infection.

Hannah Nichols (16-10-2017), "What does caffeine do to your body?"،

إقرأ المزيد على موضوع.كوم:

Medical Definition of Caffeine",, Retrieved 19-10-2018. Edited. ↑ Hannah Nichols (16-10-2017), "What does caffeine do to your body?"،, Retrieved 19-10-2018. Edited. ↑ Autumn Rivers, Timothy Jewell (12-6-2017), "Caffeine Overdose: How Much Is Too Much?"،, Retrieved 19-10-2018. Edited. ↑ "Caffeine: How much is too much?",, Retrieved 19-10-2018. Edited

إقرأ المزيد على موضوع.كوم:
Caffeine: How much is too much?",,

إقرأ المزيد على موضوع.كوم:
Caffeine: How much is too much?",,

إقرأ المزيد على موضوع.كوم:
Medical Definition of Caffeine",, Retrieved 19-10-2018. Edited. ↑ Hannah Nichols (16-10-2017), "What does caffeine do to your body?"،, Retrieved 19-10-2018. Edited. ↑ Autumn Rivers, Timothy Jewell (12-6-2017), "Caffeine Overdose: How Much Is Too Much?"،, Retrieved 19-10-2018. Edited. ↑ "Caffeine: How much is too much?",, Retrieved 19-10-2018. Edited

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