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5 mistakes that reduce your productivity at work try to avoid

You can’t change something you’re not aware of. If you think your productivity is reduced because you have trouble managing your time, here are some mistakes to avoid to increase your productivity:

  1. The distraction in social networks between tasks: how many times have you told yourself that you will make a quick check-in on facebook or instagram or tiktok and you stayed on more than half an hour? The problem with social networks is that they don’t let you feel the time passing, you feel like you are surrounded by your loved ones and therefore your daily productivity decreases. 
  2. No planification for day: most people work as the applications are received and do not know how they will spend their day. If you put your time between the hands of chance, you kill your productivity. So you have to plan your day the night before to decide how you’re going to spend the next day with short, precise and achievable tasks because it doesn’t make sense to put long lists of tasks that you’re not going to do afterwards.

  3. Repeating negative statements all day long: if you say to yourself "I am useless" you will be useless, if you say to yourself "I am tired" you will be tired, it is as if you give yourself an appointment with fatigue. So, it’s better to start your day with positive affirmations and a smile and you will see how good it will improve your day.
  4.  Leave your work to last minute: most employees at the reception of a new task, ask when to return it and note the deadline in their calendars. As the last deadline approaches, they realize that they do not have enough time to carry out the mission and start feeling stress, fear, etc. which harms their physical and moral health.
  5.  Procrastination: putting off what can be done today leads to a cumulation of work not done in time, it is as if you give yourself promises but you do not keep them. Thus, you gradually destroy your self-confidence and your image of someone who never keeps his word ends appearing  to others which further destroys your productivity and your chances of promotion.

Now that you know the mistakes that destroy your productivity, you are invited to note the mistakes you make on a daily basis that result in the failure to achieve your objectives and to set aside an appropriate action plan that will allow you to correct these errors.

keywords: productivity killers, time management,  productivity reducers, tips to time management

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